On Thu, 21 Sep. 2017, 07:15 Salvatore Bonaccorso <car...@debian.org> wrote:

> Are you going to request CVEs for those?
> have you identified already the issue -> fixing commit mappings?
Hi Salvatore,

Already started talking with Kurt from DWF about the CVE. I am hoping there
will be a new improved setup for the next round of bugs.

Not started the mappings yet but it's on my list. The WPvuln guy has mapped
only the first SQLi.

  - Craig
Craig Small             https://dropbear.xyz/     csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux        https://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
Mastodon: @smalls...@social.dropbear.xyz             Twitter: @smallsees
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