On 2017-09-21 02:46 AM, Vincas Dargis wrote:
> /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird has these lines:
> owner /tmp/** m,
> owner /var/tmp/** m,
> Is this really necesarry? If Thunderbir actually tries to mmap files with
> executable flags, I believe it should be reported as a bug upstream.
>>From AppArmor wiki [0]:
> ```
> Short form permissions map to
> m - mmap_x, mprot_wx
> mmap_x - mmap a file executable
> mprot_wx - allow transitioning an mmap from w to x, (this sticks for the
> lifetime of the mmap even if w is removed before trying to apply x
> ```
> I will try to use Thunderbird profile with these lines commented out, I'll see
> if DENIES appear.

I just removed those 2 lines and ran some tests (calendar, enigmail,
etc) and saw no denials.

> By the way, I see same lines on usr.lib.firefox.firefox, maybe it's just old
> bug and blind copy-paste?

That's right, Thunderbird's profile started out as a copy of the Firefox
one. I don't know if Firefox needs/needed those but it seems like
Thunderbird is happy without. I don't have many extensions so it would
be nice to hear from other testers.

Thanks for reporting this!


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