As far as I know, there is no restriction on moving this package to
non-free right now.  It clearly does not meet the criteria for being in

* grip requires GitHub's proprietary API to do anything useful
* without the proprietary service, grip is useless

Either non-free or contrib works for this, in my opinion. I don't really
care which, just not main.

About the description, for those who are not web programmers, the normal
assumption is that "GitHub markdown API" would be provided by software
on my machine.  How about this for the description:

 Grip is a command-line server application written in Python that uses to render a local Markdown files.   It uploads the
 Markdown files to the proprietary GitHub Markdown API, and then serves
 up the resulting HTML via a local webserver.  The styles come
 directly from GitHub, so you'll know exactly how it will appear.
 Changes you make to the Readme will be instantly reflected in the
 browser without requiring a page refresh.

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