
Guido Günther:
> if a package drops a file into /etc/apparmor.d/apache we should do a

>       apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.apache2.mpm-prefork.apache2  

I can't find any such profile in current sid. Apparently since a few
years it's rather something like "if a package drops a file in
/etc/apparmor.d/apache2.d then we should reload the usr.sbin.apache2
profile". Right?

> Since dh-apparmor has all the logic to detect that aa is in use it
> would be great if it would handle this case as well.

Agreed, this would be a nice addition! :)

FTR I don't use AppArmor for Apache personally so there's very little
chance I work on this any time soon. Patches are welcome.

> This would make sure we handle things like #872266 too once fixed.

Now you make me curious: I don't understand how this is related.


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