Dear maintainer(s),

Wrt the bugreport I filed yesterday: after closely reading Gnu's gnupg
documentation I solved the problem I encountered yesterday, so I think this
issue can be closed.

My current gpg.conf file now merely needs 


(and so `pinentry-mode loopback' was removed). My gpg-agent.conf file now

    default-cache-ttl 1200
    pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-curses

and so the line `allow-loopback-pinentry' was removed (the more generic
specification `pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry' probably also works, but so
far I didn't configure that)

In addition, whenever I open a new terminal (xterm, rxvt, virtual terminal)
the session's startup script executes (for bash):

    GPG_TTY=`tty`           # note the backticks!
    export GPG_TTY

For tcsh it is:

    setenv GPG_TTY `tty`    # note the backticks!

After these specifications gpg again worked as before.

Kind regards,

    Frank B. Brokken
    Center for Information Technology, University of Groningen
    (+31) 50 363 9281 
    Public PGP key:
    Key Fingerprint: DF32 13DE B156 7732 E65E  3B4D 7DB2 A8BE EAE4 D8AA

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