Control: tag -1 pending

On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 at 16:21:08 +0800, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:
>  -C      Send CRLF as line-ending.
> Mention if this adds a \r before every \n before sending it to the
> remote server.
> Also mention if it does or doesn't affect traffic coming back to us too.
> Also mention what happens if there is already \r before \n.

I'm about to change it to

    Send CRLF as line-ending.  Each line feed (LF) character from the
    input data is translated into CR+LF before being written to the
    socket.  Line feed characters that are already preceded with a
    carriage return (CR) are not translated.  Received data is not

Please shout if you think it's still unclear or the wording could be
improved :-)


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