On 11/23/2017 08:07 AM, Tom Hetmer wrote:
> OK, and the results from 0.92? Good too?
> Testing the last working version doesn't help much. :-)

0.92 behaves the same. *Neither* version does what you want. I wrote my
email to show you that it's not a regression because it doesn't work the
way you want in 0.87. It's not a bug either because the documentation
doesn't claim that the -a option does what you're hoping it does.

Any behavior to the contrary is something particular to your system.

0.92 uses bind() if you specify TCP or SCTP, otherwise it just uses
socket() and sendto(). This is done in a separate process (mtr-packet)
so you'd need to use strace's -f option to see it.

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