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On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 9:57 AM final notice <christoph.b...@credativ.de>

> important information
> <http://mmoonn.ddns.net/qs=r-afeghadfbgbjjjbaggijchaiegkhjakghgabababaecadaccaedfacekeacdcgacb>
> <http://mmoonn.ddns.net/qs=ua-afeghadfbgbjjjbaggijchaiegkhjakghgabababaecadaccaedfacekeacdcgacb>
> Package: lintian Version: 2.5.59 Severity: wishlist Hi, I'm using
> "Christoph Berg " as Maintainer/Uploaders address in my packages, but
> when I'm doing uploads from work, I'm using "Christoph Berg " in
> debian/changelog to attribute my employer. The downside of this is that
> lintian will raise the "NMU detected" flag. My usual workaround is to put
> "Team upload" into the changelog, which is true in most cases, but
> shouldn't really be necessary. Another workaround would be to simply
> lintian-override the warnings, or add the other address to the Uploaders
> list (which seems gross to me). I would suggest to do the NMU detection
> simply based on matching real names, but this would not detect accidentally
> mistyped addresses in debian/changelog or debian/control. (See also #820523
> for the reverse problem where the real name differs.) What would the
> lintian maintainers suggest? Christoph


"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

With God, we have true, lasting peace! Thank you, Lord! ♥ ♥ ♥

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