Control: tags -1 - pending


2014-11-13 10:29 Joachim Breitner:

Am Donnerstag, den 13.11.2014, 09:52 +0100 schrieb Johannes Schauer:
Helmut Grohne corrected me that this is not that simple.

haskell-devscripts depends on ghc and specifically uses ghci for example to do
tests which should be carried out for the host architecture but are instead
being done for the build architecture. Example:

./usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ = $(shell test -e 
/usr/bin/ghci || echo --ghc-option=-DDEBIAN_NO_GHCI; exit 0)

So this requires quite some additional work which probably only makes sense to
do once haskell can be cross compiled in practice.

ok, undone the change to the repo.

So I am unmarking this as +pending then :)

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>

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