On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 09:07:07PM +0100, Philipp Huebner wrote:
> Other than that, please check dmesg and make sure it is not due to the
> recently automatically enabled AppArmor.
> If one (or all) of the updated erlang-p1-* packages has caused this, the
> solution is to update the ejabberd package, which I cannot do yet due to
> #883017.

I finally noticed something in the error.log that used to be

2017-12-06 11:08:42.382 [error]
<0.1310.0>@ejabberd_hooks:safe_apply:383 Hook s2
s_out_closed crashed when running
** Reason =
** Arguments = [#{db_enabled => true,ip =>
{{92,243,9,234},5269},lang => <<"en">>,mod =>
ejabberd_s2s_out,on_route => send,owner => <0.1310.0>,queue =>
{{[],[]},0,1000},remote_server =>
<<"guardianproject.info">>,resource => <<>>,server =>
<<"dorchain.net">>,server_host => <<"dorchain.net">>,shaper =>
none,socket =>
=> #Ref<0.2726849485.2408841220.44553>,sockmod =>
ejabberd_socket,stop_reason =>
=> true,stream_direction => out,stream_encrypted =>
true,stream_id => <<"1772174695415314369">>,stream_remote_id =>
<<"361e1a9d-0e41-4946-a649-486f3624c264">>,stream_restarted =>
true,stream_state => disconnected,stream_timeout =>
infinity,stream_verified => true,user => <<>>,xmlns =>

Does this somehow hint in any direction?



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