On Thu, 2017-12-07 at 16:41 +0100, Felix Zielcke wrote:

> Is the version number the problem or what else could it be?

I think so; based on what the manual page says (quoted below), when you
initially added the removal in 1:3.6.25-6, you should have set the
prior-version to 1:3.6.25-6~ instead of 1:3.6.25-5~. I think to fix the
problem next time you make an upload "X", change prior-version to "X~".

    Defines the latest version of the package whose upgrade should
    trigger the operation. It is important to calculate prior-version
    correctly so that the operations are correctly performed even if the
    user rebuilt the package with a local version. If prior-version is
    empty or omitted, then the operation is tried on every upgrade
    (note: it's safer to give the version and have the operation tried
    only once).

    If the conffile has not been shipped for several versions, and you
    are now modifying the maintainer scripts to clean up the obsolete
    file, prior-version should be based on the version of the package
    that you are now preparing, not the first version of the package
    that lacked the conffile. This applies to all other actions in the
    same way.

    For example, for a conffile removed in version 2.0-1 of a package,
    prior-version should be set to 2.0-1~. This will cause the conffile
    to be removed even if the user rebuilt the previous version 1.0-1 as
    1.0-1local1. Or a package switching a path from a symlink (shipped
    in version 1.0-1) to a directory (shipped in version 2.0-1), but
    only performing the actual switch in the maintainer scripts in
    version 3.0-1, should set prior-version to 3.0-1~.



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