On 2017-12-08 04:21 +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

I have a partial packaging of this program, but ran into issues
getting the QBS build system to work. It installs things into its own
'profile' build dir. In default/install-root/ I've not managed to kick
it to get it to install in debian/tmp yet.

If anyone takes it forward before I get round to it, do please use my
work.  The control, copyright, watch and install files are done. The
upstream tarball is repacked to remove embedded packages. The
configure and build stages work, although there is quite a lot of overriding 
needed as debhelper knows nothing of QBS.

The qbs build file has been patched to work with gcc as well as clang,
and correspondingly stdlibc++, to use an soname, and to use the
packaged catch, not an embedded one.

qbs creates a 'default/default.bg' binary file on qbs clean, which
makes quilt format 3 'unable to represent binary changes in tarball'.
I have to manually delete this (or include a pointless
runtime-generated 110K binary). It's not clear what the right way to
deal with this is.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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