Am 13.12.2017 um 17:11 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> Quoting Michael Biebl (2017-12-13 16:26:56)
>> Am 13.12.2017 um 16:02 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
>>> Moreover, vnc-viewer is provided by nonfree packages tightvnc-java and
>>> vnc-java, 
>> I can't confirm that. Those vnc viewers are from contrib, not from non-free.
> Acknowledged - sorry for my too harsh description.
> My point was (and still is) that those package are outside main, which 
> Debian Policy ยง 2.2.1 forbids.
> How do you interpret that section differently?

Well, the package does *not* recommend a package outside of main.
It recommends a virtual package which can be satisfied by packages from
main and outside. In our case, there are enough packages in main which
satisfy that provides. So I fail to see how avahi-uti-utils violates that.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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