Am 13.12.2017 um 19:56 schrieb Jonathan Nieder:
> Hi,
> Markus Koschany wrote:
>> I would like to argue that disk space is no longer an issue in 2017 and
>> people with special needs (embedded systems) will most likely remove
>> /usr/share/common-licenses anyway.
> I agree: space on installation media and network transfer time are more
> important than disk space these days.
>>                                    Thus the more DFSG-licenses we
>> install into /usr/share/common-licenses the more time can be saved for
>> more important issues than quoting licenses.
> I'm confused.  Can you explain your workflow a little more?
> I wouldn't expect using upstream's LICENSE file to take significantly
> more time than replacing it with a pointer to common-licenses.  I'd
> actually expect it to take more time.
> If all we care about is maintainer time spent, then we should
> eliminate common-licenses.
> Puzzled,
> Jonathan

Let me try to explain it this way: Take src:ufoai-data or src:netbeans
for example. Both packages ship approximately a dozen different
licenses. I can't simply copy&paste the upstream license because I have
to format it to make it copyright format 1.0 compliant. As an
experienced packager I have already done this before and I can just copy
my previous work but imagine all the other (maybe new) Debian
contributors who are facing the same problem at the moment. They will
have to do the same thing over and over again. So the simplest solution
would be to bundle all DFSG-licenses in one place and to allow that
people can reference them like that

License: [EPL-1.0]

and then everyone knows that this file is licensed under the same
license located in /usr/share/common-licenses/EPL-1.0

Plain and simple. It's not a big deal if you can save 5 minutes for one
license. It's a big deal if all people can save this time. Just multiply
this with all affected packages. Please let us do more important work
for Debian than copy&pasting licenses.



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