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On Sat, 18 Feb 2017 09:54:00 +0000 Niels Thykier <> wrote:

> I think the best solution here is to start with a dh-grunt prototype,
> which can evolve in its own pace (notably a lot faster than debhelper
> itself).  Once it has matured, we can look at merging it into debhelper
> itself depending on its (build-)dependency requirements.

May be we can have dh-nodejs.

> FTR, I know next to nothing about grunt/nodejs builds, so I am a poor
> choice for driving such a prototype.  However, I am happy to assist with
> the debhelper integration bit.

I think it does not need any nodejs knowledge. If you find a
Gruntfile.js or, just call "grunt build".

Same for gulp, if you find a Gulpfile.js, just call "gulp build".

Also for cake, if you find Cakefile, just call "cake.coffeescript build".

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