(Responding much later....)

Nik Nyby <nikn...@riseup.net> writes:

> I've cleaned up my mirror site so it no longer links to any of the
> archive.org assets -- it's now all hosted on my linode server.

> I've set up a git repository for the source repo, and added a note
> on my mirror page:
>   https://github.com/nikolas/jmk-x11-fonts

> I have no experience maintaining or developing fonts, but I plan on at
> least messing around with these files just out of curiosity.

> It sounds like there were other people helping James with these fonts,
> e.g. Markus Kuhn? Maybe it'd be worth reaching out to them to see if
> they have any more info about the state of these fonts.

Yeah, it probably would be good to do that.  I haven't had the time to do
so, sadly.

Thanks for setting up a Git repository and mirror!  Do you have a regular
DNS name for your web site?  I'd like to switch the Homepage and whatnot
of the Debian package over to your site since it's at least actively
maintained, but I'm a bit hesitant to point things at an IP address since
they tend to be too transient.

The one big cleanup that would fix weird issues for the Debian package is
that a bunch of generated files are checked into the repository but then
deleted on clean, which makes the checkout dirty.  It would be nice to get
rid of the committed generated files so that cleaning the source tree
doesn't result in a dirty tree, if you (or anyone else) has some free

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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