On 30/12/17 23:24, Chris Boot wrote:
> What makes me suspicious that these are related is that neither happens
> with a 4.13 kernel, but I get both of these cgroup-related problems with
> 4.14.
> I wouldn't mind trying to bisect this, but I haven't done that for many
> years. Is there a nice way to do this with the Debian packaging or am I
> better off seeing if I can reproduce with vanilla upstream kernels and
> bisecting that? Or shall I give 4.15~rc5 from experimental a whirl instead?

I tried with linux-image-4.15.0-rc5-amd64_4.15~rc5-1~exp1 and my cgroup
issues no longer happen, so I think this is likely fixed in 4.15.

Unfortunately I'm now running into a KVM instability that feels like
#885166, so I'm going to go back to 4.13 shortly.


Chris Boot

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