On Fri, Jan 05, 2018 at 02:35:38AM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Jan 2018 18:56:52 +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:

> > Disregarding hurd-i386, the problematic test seems to be
> > t/66_ioasync_03_signals.t, 
> t/66_ioasync_02_signals.t or t/66_ioasync_03_child.t?

t/66_ioasync_03_child.t, I think. See below.

> Anyway, IIRC we've seen failures in different tests over time.

That's what I thought too but didn't find much at least
in the buildd logs.

> > I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe disarm this particular test somehow
> > for now and see how it fares otherwise?

> On 
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=libanyevent-perl&arch=armel&ver=7.140-1&stamp=1505267718&raw=0

> Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  No child exit detected. This is 
> either a bug in AnyEvent or a bug in your Perl (mostly some windows 
> distributions suffer from that): child watchers might not work properly on 
> this platform. You can force installation of this module if you do not rely 
> on child watchers, or you could upgrade to a working version of Perl for your 
> platform.
> (Does this mean that t/66_ioasync_02_signals.t failed or the
> following t/66_ioasync_03_child.t ?)

I think it comes from the 'Bail out! No child exit detected' part in
t/66_ioasync_03_child.t. Presumably the test libraries are buffering
parts of the output.

> Looks like t/66_ioasync_03_child.t is our candidate, if I'm
> interpreting this correctly.

> Oh, and I have another hang on my Raspi:

Awesome, thanks for testing.

So I guess this all boils down to the (sort of documented) "issues
with IO::Async", at least until we see other failures.

> Commit pushed to alioth, feedback welcome before I upload.

LGTM, thanks!

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