On Wed, 03 Jan 2018 16:24:57 +0100, Adam Borowski writes:
>Working hypothesis so far is that the testsuite fails on btrfs; I won't be
>able to confirm until the evening.

i'm just building a kernel with btrfs to verify your very probable hypothesis;

upstream's test suite is a fairly yucktastic setup that ditches a lot of
very useful output for content-free assertions.

what does fail in your tests is the test priming in testing/__init__.py,
where testing/testfiles.tar.gz is unpacked.

it's running "tar xzf testfiles.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1" and that
tarball does contain a number of nastily named files (glancing at
hexdump tells me it's iso-8859-1 and not utf-8).
i suspect these file names are the root cause.


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 2FCCF66BB963BD5F + http://snafu.priv.at/
"Ein Blitzableiter auf einem Kirchturm ist das denkbar stärkste 
Mißtrauensvotum gegen den lieben Gott." -- Karl Kraus

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