About the above mentioned bug I did some more tests: I built a debug version of the libglib2.0-0 to see what is happening inside where the splice function is called. In case of a small file with 112 bytes the splice() is called inside the function do_splice() in gfile.c for three times:

1. Reading the file into the buffer.

2. Writing the file from the buffer to the destination.

3. Try more reading and abort function if no data was readable --> Here the bug appears: The splice call never finishes. The assembly shows that the inside behavior is different on the last call. There is a jump to a different address.

I tested a simple example program for copying files which is using the splice() function (from here: https://gist.github.com/karthick18/1234187). This program works normal and finishes correctly also with the small file. I modified the program structure like inside the libglib2.0-0 so that the splice function is called 3 times and added a progress callback. The program works. The difference is that it uses normal file descriptors instead of an Input-/Output-Stream inside the libglib2.0-0. Using these objects together with the splice() seems to cause the deadlock. Maybe there is a problem with the streams or GFile objects which directly and indirectly are connected to the splice() in libglib2.0-0 since there are many helper functions and definitions for their initialization and handling.

As the splice() works with the normal file descriptors it should probably not be a kernel problem. Since today the kernel is updated to 4.14.0-3-amd64 which shows the same behavior.

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