On Mon, 08 Jan 2018, Hleb Valoshka wrote:
> On 1/8/18, Don Armstrong <d...@debian.org> wrote:
> > Devuan does not support reading the new upstream configuration file,
> > which is what new patches are needed to support. This is pretty classic
> > bitrot of an underused/under-tested execution path.
> It does: 
> https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/dnscrypt-proxy/blob/suites/ascii-proposed/debian/dnscrypt-proxy.init

Cool, so this is looking more like the patch supplied in #857322, which
also supports starting multiple proxies, as the systemd service does.

I'm fairly confident that the maintainers of this package would find it
helpful if someone who used SysV were to test this patch (or the Devuan
init script), and provide a git am; formatted patch to continue
supporting SysV.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

unbeingdead isn't beingalive
 -- e.e. cummings "31" _73 Poems_

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