On 01/07/2018 07:49 PM, David Kalnischkies wrote:
> The apt team was always against doing this which eventually spawned
> stuff like the enormously hacky "apt-fast". The problem we see with this
> is that as soon we add this to mainline users will activate such options
> even if it makes no longterm sense for them because it feels faster in
> the shortterm against our shared mirror network as adding more own cars
> is always a good strategy to combat a traffic jam (until everyone else
> has adopted that strategy as well and so everyone is worse off).

Well, we could also go and let mirrors flag a connection limit
themselves that cannot be overwritten by local configuration...

>> Another solution to solve this problem would be to implement HTTP/2
>> support, which allows to answer the requests non-linearly. In this case
> I am pretty sure that will eventually happen. Especially if it is in its
> own transport package as you can do everything there. It is currently
> not that high on the list of things to do through as the current focus
> in that area is for the moment to improve what we have in terms of
> security and co. Not to bad an idea given that protocols we deal with
> tend to increase in complexity… hello HTTP/2. :P
> What makes HTTP/2 perhaps a bit "complicated" is the strong relation
> with HTTP/1, so things would need to be shared and exchanged. Would be
> sad if we end up in another http/https or tor/http(s) situation until we
> find the time to make it "proper".

That said, you just went the other way. Not that I liked the cURL https
transport, given that it was fairly stupid^Wstraightforward. But at
least it used a library. So I guess I'm curious if you'd be open to
picking a library and then rewriting everything to use that single one
for all of HTTP(S) 1.1/2. (Assuming such a library exists by now.)

> [HTTP/2 has an unencrypted variant aka "h2c" btw. At least on paper
> – I know that browsers aren't going to implement it.]

Well, question is then also if you can assume that nodes in the path
would implement this (like reverse proxies/load balancers etc).
Otherwise it will only exist on paper rather than real setups.

>> Happy to hear your thoughts on how to solve this.
> You could do something similar to what httpredir.d.o was doing or work
> with the (now reimplemented) -mirror method. That hard-depends on your
> "behind load-balancer" servers to be reachable directly through. But it
> gets you parallel connections without changing clients (at least in the
> first case, in the second you will need to wait a few years until this
> becomes true I guess).

That's actually an excellent idea. We'll try that out. I actually wrote
code for it already and it's a pretty straightforward approach, but
we'll take another stab at attempting to reduce time to first byte
latency first.

Kind regards and thanks a lot!
Philipp Kern

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