On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 08:12:22PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Package: virtinst
> /usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/initrdinject.py contains debugfs. According 
> to file it is a Python script, ASCII text executable

initrdinject.py indeed has code to launch debugfs command inside a
function called _rhel4_initrd_inject. The first thing this function
does is try to determine if we're dealing with a RHEL 4 initrd and
if not bail out (before any use of debugfs command). I assume this
logic is functioning as expected and thus there's no reason to
believe debugfs will ever get launched on Debian, but maybe
that's an incorrect assumption since I have no knowledge on how
to use or even what purpose the tool has.


My conclusion is that this bug report should likely just be closed
without any changes.

Would be great to hear from maintainers if my assumptions (and
conclusion) makes sense here!

Andreas Henriksson

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