On Sat, 27 Jan 2018, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Sat, 2018-01-27 at 14:39 +0800, Boyuan Yang wrote:
> > Thanks for your work!
> > 
> > Just out of curiosity, why is the source code of bugs.debian.org
> > component not hosted on Debian infrastructure?
> It is - https://bugs.debian.org/debbugs-source/ - I don't believe
> there's a web interface over that repository though, so it's not as
> convenient for pointing to individual fixes.

That's correct. [I would have linked to salsa, but I don't know how to
easily generate a link to a single commit; I've got redirect rules for
git.donarmstrong.com that do that.]

> My understanding (although Don can obviously confirm / correct) is that
> Don tends to develop on his own instance and then push to the Debian
> instance once it's ready.

That's correct. I try to push everything to that instance (and the one
on salsa.debian.org and github.com) as quickly as possible. [The code
that is running on bugs.debian.org is guaranteed to be on

Though I probably should drop a README.html in that directory to
describe what is actually in that directory and link to everywhere else.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

"The trouble with you, Ibid" he said, "is that you think you're the
biggest bloody authority on everything"
 -- Terry Pratchet _Pyramids_ p146

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