Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request an adopter for the ruby-timeliness package.

The package description is:
 Date/time parser for Ruby with the following features:
  * Extensible with custom formats and tokens.
  * It's pretty fast. Up to 60% faster than Time/Date parse method.
  * Control the parser strictness.
  * Control behaviour of ambiguous date formats (US vs European e.g. mm/dd/yy,
  * I18n support (for months), if I18n gem loaded.
  * Fewer WTFs than Time/Date parse method.
 Extracted from the validates_timeliness gem, it has been rewritten cleaner and
 much faster. It's most suitable for when you need to control the parsing
 behaviour. It's faster than the Time/Date class parse methods, so it has
 eneral appeal.

I packaged this as a dependency, but the original package is not a
package that I have time to maintain anymore and I have requested
removal. Still, this gem may be of use to others and so I'd like to
request it is adopted.

If it's not adopted after some months, then it should be removed and
hopefully I will remember to file the RM bug.

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