> But the patch there doesn't apply to the Debian
> /etc/etckeeper/pre-commit.d/20warn-problem-files

But the following reworked version of the patch does apply.  It has
fixed the problem for me.

--- etc/etckeeper/pre-commit.d/20warn-problem-files	2016-07-18 01:01:39.000000000 +0200
+++ etc/etckeeper/pre-commit.d/20warn-problem-files	2017-08-12 10:36:13.360410731 +0200
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 set -e
-exclude_internal () {
-	egrep -v '(^|/)(\.git|\.hg|\.bzr|_darcs)/'
+# (Note that when using this, the find expression must end with 
+# -print or -exec, else the excluded directories will actually be
+# printed!)
+NOVCS='. -path ./.git -prune -o -path ./.bzr -prune -o -path ./.hg -prune -o -path ./_darcs -prune -o'
 if [ "$VCS" = bzr ] || [ "$VCS" = darcs ]; then
-	special=$(find . ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l | exclude_internal) || true
-	hardlinks=$(find . -type f ! -links 1 | exclude_internal ) || true
+	special=$(find $NOVCS ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l -print) || true
+	hardlinks=$(find $NOVCS -type f ! -links 1 -print) || true
 elif [ "$VCS" = hg ]; then
-	special=$(find . ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l | exclude_internal) || true
-	hardlinks=$(find . -type f ! -links 1 -exec hg status {} \; | exclude_internal ) || true
+	special=$(find $NOVCS ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l -print) || true
+	hardlinks=$(find $NOVCS -type f ! -links 1 -exec hg status {} \; -print) || true
 elif [ "$VCS" = git ]; then
-	special=$(find . ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l -exec git ls-files --exclude-standard --cached --others {} + | exclude_internal) || true
-	hardlinks=$(find . -type f ! -links 1 -exec git ls-files --exclude-standard --cached --others {} + | exclude_internal) || true
+	special=$(find $NOVCS ! -type d ! -type f ! -type l -exec git ls-files --exclude-standard --cached --others {} + -print) || true
+	hardlinks=$(find $NOVCS -type f ! -links 1 -exec git ls-files --exclude-standard --cached --others {} + -print) || true

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