On 09/02/18 09:31, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Hi Salvatore,
> Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
>> The current issues which were fixed in DLA-1077-1 are all no-dsa, so
>> thei did not warrant a DSA via security.d.o. Can you fix those issues
>> via upcoming point releases?
> yes, probably. But I guess that's not Mikulas' point:
> Both wheezy and jessie had package version 2.7-8. While wheezy got a fixed
> package with 2.7-8+deb7u1, jessie didn't. The fix should be as straight as
> uploading the same (source) package to jessie that got uploaded to wheezy.

... with changelog and version number adjustments (it can never be
exactly the same).

Also, the security tracker claims this affects stretch as well which
would need a separate update.


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