Control: severity -1 important

On Sun, 11 Feb 2018, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Justification: violates Policy §4.13 (Convenience copies of code)
> While bundling its own Guile might make lilypond “work” for
> users, it’s definitely not ripe for a stable release like that.

Policy §4.13 is should, not must. This is absolutely a bug, but it's the
only copy of guile 1.8 which is in the archive, and it's this way
because guile 2.0 has multiple issues which have been exposed by

The moment that lilypond upstream releases a version that can actually
build with guile 2.0, we will remove the convenience copy of guile.

As far as stable releases go, if the RMs disagree with this decision,
they can upgrade this bug, but it will mean that lilypond will not stay
in testing, and will not be present in a stable release.

Don Armstrong            

The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and
Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making
mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes
from being corrected.
 -- G. K. Chesterton "Illustrated London News (1924-04-19)"

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