Speaking to the gitlab API is actually quite simple.

The user has to create his own private token with API access. Then gbp
would require a new config parameter to fetch such a token from the
.gitconfig of the user, or a new option to the create-remote-repo command to
provide it.

Then, if the user wants to create the repo in a specific namespace (group,
subgroup, whatever), he has to fetch the appropriate namespace_id. I didn't
find a basic method so far, but some urls contain it, so I found 2781 for
DPMT subgroup.

Then, it's only about designing a POST request:

I made a simple json file: temp/test.json
    "name": "apiproject",
    "namespace_id": 2781

Then, I ran

# curl -X "POST" -H 'Private-Token: {{priv_token}}' -H "Content-Type: 
application/json; charset=utf-8" https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects -d 
"$(cat temp/test.json)"

    "name_with_namespace":"Debian Python Team / DPMT / apiproject",

So, there are some parameters that'd require a default:

I suggest this template json for creating a remote repo:

    "name": "%(name)s",
    "namespace_id": %(namespace_id)d (if provided),
    "issues_enabled": true,
    "visibility": "public",
    "only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved": true

Python has plenty json api packages to send such json, so it's a matter of

I could take some time to code that, but I'd rather we agree on the "how"
and the "what" before spending any time in such work.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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