Eddy Petrişor" wrote:
>>an other maybe better version
>>at the beginning (only on home computer)
>>if [ "${SLEEPTIME}" ] ; then
>>    SLEEPCMD="sleep ${SLEEPTIME} || true"
> I don't understand the reason behind the part with "|| true"
> This should do:
> SLEEPCMD="type sleep && sleep ${SLEEPTIME}"

I usually put || true because I use a lot of "-e" shell script.
But I agree, in this (the nested) script is not necessary.

> Yes, but is a lot uncleaner than testing for the existance of the
> cammand, then running it if it does exist.

But it is the standard way. (IIRC).
The shell (aka the system library) should return 127 if command

Opps. I think the right command should be:

> The only thing that I don't like about the solution with:
> type command && command
> is that it will generate noise on the console, that's why I prefer:
> [ ! -z "\`type command\`" ] && command

type is not a POSIX/SuS command, so I think it is better to avoid it.
[ http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/ ]
On a system without "type" (if such system exists) will not
execute "sleep".
Anyway this is not a big issue, because this sleep function is not an
inportant option, and I think it is resonable to require sane
implementation to use this extra feature.
So I would apply any your solution that works on normal case.


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