Am 20.02.2018 um 13:32 teilte Matus UHLAR - fantomas mit:
On 19.02.18 23:50, Hilmar Preuße wrote:


After removing the following line from
/var/lib/dpkg/info/proftpd-basic.postinst the installation works OK.

#. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule

As we don't use debconf any more he removal should not hurt.

Just FYI:

according to the
the fix should be fixed and backported to 1.3.6.

Well, we can put the fix for 4312 into unstable.

there's still a bug:

but manual backport of the patch to 1.3.5e helped, I was able to
build and install jessie (1.3.5-1.1+deb8u2), stretch (1.3.5b-4) and
sid (1.3.5e-1) packages.

I'm not sure if we should upload the patch into stable or if we rather should use my proposed work around. At least for stable that should be possible, oldstable still has debconf integration so we can't apply it there.


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