Severity: normal
Tags: stretch
Usertags: pu


please allow the upgrade of nvidia-settings in stretch to a new upstream
release matching the updated nvidia-graphics-drivers package.
There are versioned Recommends in the driver packages that cannot be
satisfied by the older nvidia-settings version in stretch.
Since we build the driver components that are available as source
ourselves instead of shipping the binaries from the
nvidia-graphics-drivers blob package, we will have to update several
packages in stable this time. Mixing the driver component versions is
untested and unsupported by upstream.

This is a rebuild of the package from sid with no further changes
needed. It is also available in stretch-backports for a month without
any problems being reported.


Attachment: nvidia-settings_384.111-1~deb9u1.dsc.diff.xz
Description: application/xz

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