On Sun, 2018-02-25 at 18:14 -0500, John Scott wrote:
> I don't use the Redshift service, but here is what it says:
> ● redshift.service - Redshift display colour temperature adjustment
>    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/redshift.service; disabled;
> vendor preset: enabled)
>    Active: inactive (dead)
>      Docs: http://jonls.dk/redshift/
> Running `redshift` in the terminal works fine for me.

Good to know that redshift is working for you.

> You said that you are not experiencing this bug, but are you on
> Debian Jessie? 

No. I tried it on Debian Sid.

> I should have
> mentioned in my last message that I think this bug is not a bug in
> Redshift, but in a dependency,
> specific to Sid and Buster. I'm more certain of it now than ever, but
> I think the issues I found
> with python3-xdg are unrelated.

I am not sure whom this bug should be reassigned to then.

> In addition to redshift-gtk, I also have Blueman installed, which
> also doesn't show its icon. In
> hindsight, I should have thought that the issues might be related
> sooner. They are both written in
> Python 3 and use gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1.
> In fact, I just ran both Redshift and Blueman through gdb, and I
> noticed that a thread crashes
> when it tries to display the icon. I'm including my Redshift
> backtrace.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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