On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 02:24:59PM +0100, Benjamin Zapiec wrote:
> the plugin uses gosaSupportDaemon for communication.
> This class uses mcrypt extension. That is the reason why
> it was removed.
> Using an incompatible openssl implementation is useless
> so the only other option is to provide further support
> for the Daemon. But this is most likely not to happen.
> Another way, I want to mention, is that it looks like
> the communication to the daemon can be unencrypted.
> This would allow the communication classes without
> mcrypt dependencies.
> But even if I wouldn't strongly recommend not
> to use unencrypted network traffic, the daemon
> remains unsupported.
> I don't know if there is a benefit in using this
> plugin without gosaSupportDaemon.
> If you do think so, tell me and I may revert the commit.
> Do you have a running setup with gosa-si?
Thanks for the feedback.

Debian Edu doesn't use gosa-si. AFAIK there's no need for the 
gosaSupportDaemon as there's no communication happening; only the LDAP 
related goto plugin features are needed.

It would be nice if the goto plugin could live on, stripped down like 


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