Severity: minor

The page requesting one's signed agreement to the SC/DFSG/DMUP contained the text below when I used it: 'convenince' is mis-spelled, and 'Policy...them' is grammatically incorrect (it should probably be 'Policies').

The latter would presumably need to be fixed in both the suggested text and the checker.


For your convenince, you can generate the signed statement with this command, and the site will recognise the text and accept it without a need of manual validation of its content:

  echo 'For, at 2018-03-10:'
echo 'I agree to uphold the Social Contract and the Debian Free Software Guidelines in my Debian work.'
  echo 'I have read the Debian Machine Usage Policy and I accept them.'

) | gpg --clearsign --default-key 618FD7C96C313F4A11FC3D66524DD2227A5017ED

Use gpg --clearsign --default-key 618FD7C96C313F4A11FC3D66524DD2227A5017ED to generate the signed statement. Tip: pipe it to xclip to have it copied to the clipboard for easy pasting.

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