On Thu, 2018-03-22 at 14:36 +0000, Michael Schaller wrote:
> > How would the switch-at-boot mechanism work?
> The basic idea for the switch-at-boot mechanism is that it would
> check the
> version of the loaded NVIDIA kernel module
> (/sys/module/nvidia/version) on
> boot and then select the matching user space version (via
> update-alternatives) before anything attempts to use it.

I see. Perhaps a systemd unit with the appropriate precedences set so
that it runs before X starts? And $something-$something for Sys-V I
guess :-)

> > Seeing your email address domain - any chance your company could
> > use
> > its gargantuan soft-power to get Nvidia to publish the specs for
> > the
> > missing parts of Nouveau (reclocking, power managerment, etc)? That
> > would solve all our problems once and for all :-P
> I wished but that sounds like deep lawyer cat territory and I very
> much
> prefer to work on a technical solution. ;-)

Was worth a try :-) I must admit that lately, looking at the AMD camp
with their in-tree kernel drivers and first-class support for Mesa for
userspace, I am green with envy (ha!)

> I've just asked though if the version lock between the NVIDIA kernel
> modules and user-space components really needs to be so strict. Let's
> see
> how that goes...

It would be good to know, but we'd need strong guarantees - otherwise
it's nasty regressions waiting to happen, given the very minimal debug-

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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