On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 5:37 AM, Martin Monperrus wrote:

> Switching my APT config to HTTPS, I notice that many mirrors either do not
> support HTTPS or have untrusted HTTPS certificates

This isn't something the Debian website team can fix, please contact
the admin for each mirror individually.

> (eg https://mirror-csail.debian.org/)

That hostname is not a public Debian mirror and doesn't support https,
what gave you the impression it was?

> It would be great to update the reference page
> https://www.debian.org/mirror/list to clearly show all mirrors supporting 
> with a valid certificate.

The primary mirrors ftp.*.debian.org cannot support https because the
mirror team have to be able to repoint the domains at different
mirrors when one goes down.

The Debian mirror team don't keep track of https support for the
secondary mirrors so the website team cannot add information about
that to the website.



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