I figured out a simple way to cross-build while
completely separating build-time objects from target
objects. Using AC_PATH_PROG as Helmut suggested.

Nothing complicated about it. Simple 'make'.

Tested with --host=gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
which generates libdwarf as arm fine, but
the dwarfdump final link fails because
AC_TRY_COMPILE looks for -lz and looks
in the build machine location, not the cross area.
Because the cross area does not have -lz,
while the build environment does I need
to find out at build time about
that target library.

I'm not sure how to fix this part, cannot
find anything on the web but words admitting it is
a problem.

Pushed this stuff to sourceforge
so it at least actually builds libdwarf
and gets dwarfdump objects built
though the final link fails on the -lz

Any suggestions to detect -lz in the target

David Anderson

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