On 2018-04-17 10:09:46, Sandro Tosi wrote:
>> Any reason why the newer version has not been packaged in Debian yet?
> looking from the opposite angle: what do you need so badly in the
> latest release?

It's silly but: the increased version numbers. Some torrent trackers are
pretty obsessive about that kind of stuff. :)

> your NMU version is wrong: since it's a new release, the debian
> revision should have been -0.1 not -1.1 - please cancel the NMU and
> i'll take care of the upload myself.

Consider this done.

>> (Any plans on switching away from Alioth as well for git?)
> it's already been migrated to salsa:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/transmission

Understood. It seems like the Alioth repo still accepts commits, maybe
you'd like to fix that. See here for some instructions on possible
redirection mechanisms:




Si Dieu est, l'homme est esclave ; 
or l'homme peut, doit être libre, donc Dieu n'existe pas.
Et si Dieu existait, il faudrait s'en débarrasser!
                        - Michel Bakounine

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