On Wed, 2018-04-18 at 12:06 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> do you still encounter this problem?

Yes. At least with mailman3 3.1.1-8

>  I bet there's something wrong on
> your side. Mailman3 works fine with Exim4 and if you configured it
> correctly, it certainly doesn't run the Postfix postmap command.

It's an install of the mailman3-Debian-Sid packages. Nothing else is on
that machine.

exim4: 4.90.1-5
nginx-light: 1.13.12-1
mailman3: 3.1.1-9

I just did upgrade from 3.1.1-8 to 3.1.1-9 and get this on restarting

service mailman3 stopTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman3/bin/master", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('mailman==3.1.1', 'console_scripts', 'master')()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mailman/bin/master.py", line
528, in main
    with open(config.PID_FILE, 'w') as fp:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

> If you still encounter this problem, please paste the output of the
> following commands:
> # mailman info

mailman info
GNU Mailman 3.1.1 (Between The Wheels)
Python 3.6.5rc1 (default, Mar 22 2018, 10:45:39) 
[GCC 7.3.0]
config file: /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg
db url: sqlite:////var/lib/mailman3/data/mailman.db
devmode: DISABLED
REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/
REST credentials: restadmin:xxxxxxxxx

> # mailman conf | grep -F "[mta]"

[mta] configuration: python:mailman.config.exim4
[mta] delivery_retry_period: 5d
[mta] incoming: mailman.mta.exim4.LMTP
[mta] lmtp_host:
[mta] lmtp_port: 8024
[mta] max_autoresponses_per_day: 10
[mta] max_delivery_threads: 0
[mta] max_recipients: 500
[mta] max_sessions_per_connection: 0
[mta] outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver
[mta] remove_dkim_headers: no
[mta] smtp_host: localhost
[mta] smtp_pass: 
[mta] smtp_port: 25
[mta] smtp_user: 
[mta] verp_confirm_format: $address+$cookie
[mta] verp_confirm_regexp:
[mta] verp_confirmations: no
[mta] verp_delimiter: +
[mta] verp_delivery_interval: 0
[mta] verp_format: ${bounces}+${local}=${domain}
[mta] verp_personalized_deliveries: no
[mta] verp_probe_format: $bounces+$token@$domain
[mta] verp_probe_regexp: ^(?P<bounces>[^+]+?)\+(?P<token>[^@]+)@.*$
[mta] verp_probes: no
[mta] verp_regexp:

> # cat /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg

# Copyright (C) 2008-2017 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Mailman.
# GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# any later version.
# GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with
# GNU Mailman.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This file contains the Debian configuration for mailman.  It uses
# formats under the lazr.config regime to define all system
# options.  See <https://launchpad.net/lazr.config> for details.

# This address is the "site owner" address.  Certain messages which
must be
# delivered to a human, but which can't be delivered to a list owner
(e.g. a
# bounce from a list owner), will be sent to this address.  It should
point to
# a human.
site_owner: x...@example.com

# This is the local-part of an email address used in the From field
whenever a
# message comes from some entity to which there is no natural reply
# Mailman will append '@' and the host name of the list involved.  This
# address must not bounce and it must not point to a Mailman process.
noreply_address: noreply

# The default language for this server.
default_language: en

# Membership tests for posting purposes are usually performed by
looking at a
# set of headers, passing the test if any of their values match a
member of
# the list.  Headers are checked in the order given in this
variable.  The
# value From_ means to use the envelope sender.  Field names are case
# insensitive.  This is a space separate list of headers.
sender_headers: from from_ reply-to sender

# Mail command processor will ignore mail command lines after
designated max.
email_commands_max_lines: 10

# Default length of time a pending request is live before it is evicted
# the pending database.
pending_request_life: 3d

# How long should files be saved before they are evicted from the
cache_life: 7d

# A callable to run with no arguments early in the initialization
# This runs before database initialization.

# A callable to run with no arguments late in the initialization
# This runs after adapters are initialized.

# Which paths.* file system layout to use.
# You should not change this variable.
layout: debian

# Can MIME filtered messages be preserved by list owners?
filtered_messages_are_preservable: no

# How should text/html parts be converted to text/plain when the
mailing list
# is set to convert HTML to plaintext?  This names a command to be
# where the substitution variable $filename is filled in by Mailman,
# contains the path to the temporary file that the command should read
# The command should print the converted text to stdout.
html_to_plain_text_command: /usr/bin/lynx -dump $filename

# Specify what characters are allowed in list names.  Characters
outside of
# the class [-_.+=!$*{}~0-9a-z] matched case insensitively are never
# but this specifies a subset as the only allowable characters.  This
must be
# a valid character class regexp or the effect on list creation is
# unpredictable.
listname_chars: [-_.0-9a-z]

# `mailman shell` (also `withlist`) gives you an interactive prompt
that you
# can use to interact with an initialized and configured Mailman
system.  Use
# --help for more information.  This section allows you to configure
# aspects of this interactive shell.

# Customize the interpreter prompt.
prompt: >>>

# Banner to show on startup.
banner: Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell

# Use IPython as the shell, which must be found on the system.  Valid
# are `no`, `yes`, and `debug` where the latter is equivalent to `yes`
# that any import errors will be displayed to stderr.
use_ipython: no

# Set this to allow for command line history if readline is
available.  This
# can be as simple as $var_dir/history.py to put the file in the var

# Important directories for Mailman operation.  These are defined here
so that
# different layouts can be supported.   For example, a developer layout
# be different from a FHS layout.  Most paths are based off the
var_dir, and
# often just setting that will do the right thing for all the other
# You might also have to set spool_dir though.
# Substitutions are allowed, but must be of the form $var where 'var'
names a
# configuration variable in the paths.* section.  Substitutions are
# recursively until no more $-variables are present.  Beware of
# expansion loops!
# This is the root of the directory structure that Mailman will use to
# its run-time data.
var_dir: /var/lib/mailman3
# This is where the Mailman queue files directories will be created.
queue_dir: $var_dir/queue
# This is the directory containing the Mailman 'runner' and 'master'
# if set to the string '$argv', it will be taken as the directory
# the 'mailman' command.
bin_dir: /usr/lib/mailman3/bin
# All list-specific data.
list_data_dir: $var_dir/lists
# Directory where log files go.
log_dir: /var/log/mailman3
# Directory for system-wide locks.
lock_dir: $var_dir/locks
# Directory for system-wide data.
data_dir: $var_dir/data
# Cache files.
cache_dir: $var_dir/cache
# Directory for configuration files and such.
etc_dir: /etc/mailman3
# Directory containing Mailman plugins.
ext_dir: $var_dir/ext
# Directory where the default IMessageStore puts its messages.
messages_dir: $var_dir/messages
# Directory for archive backends to store their messages in.  Archivers
# create a subdirectory in here to store their files.
archive_dir: $var_dir/archives
# Root directory for site-specific template override files.
template_dir: $var_dir/templates
# There are also a number of paths to specific file locations that can
# defined.  For these, the directory containing the file must already
# or be one of the directories created by Mailman as per above.
# This is where PID file for the master runner is stored.
pid_file: /run/mailman3/master.pid
# Lock file.
lock_file: $lock_dir/master.lck

# The class implementing the IDatabase.
class: mailman.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase
#class: mailman.database.mysql.MySQLDatabase
#class: mailman.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLDatabase

# Use this to set the Storm database engine URL.  You generally have
# primary database connection for all of Mailman.  List data and most
# will store their data in this database, although external rosters may
# other databases in their own way.  This string supports standard
# 'configuration' substitutions.
url: sqlite:///$DATA_DIR/mailman.db
#url: postgres://mailman3:mmpass@localhost/mailman3

debug: no

# This defines various log settings.  The options available are:
# - level     -- Overrides the default level; this may be any of the
#                standard Python logging levels, case insensitive.
# - format    -- Overrides the default format string
# - datefmt   -- Overrides the default date format string
# - path      -- Overrides the default logger path.  This may be a
#                path name, in which case it is relative to Mailman's
#                or it may be an absolute path name.  You cannot change
#                handler class that will be used.
# - propagate -- Boolean specifying whether to propagate log message
from this
#                logger to the root "mailman" logger.  You cannot
#                settings for the root logger.
# In this section, you can define defaults for all loggers, which will
# prefixed by 'mailman.'.  Use subsections to override settings for
# loggers.  The names of the available loggers are:
# - archiver        --  All archiver output
# - bounce          --  All bounce processing logs go here
# - config          --  Configuration issues
# - database        --  Database logging (SQLAlchemy and Alembic)
# - debug           --  Only used for development
# - error           --  All exceptions go to this log
# - fromusenet      --  Information related to the Usenet to Mailman
# - http            --  Internal wsgi-based web interface
# - locks           --  Lock state changes
# - mischief        --  Various types of hostile activity
# - runner          --  Runner process start/stops
# - smtp            --  Successful SMTP activity
# - smtp-failure    --  Unsuccessful SMTP activity
# - subscribe       --  Information about leaves/joins
# - vette           --  Message vetting information
format: %(asctime)s (%(process)d) %(message)s
datefmt: %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y
propagate: no
level: info
path: mailman.log

# The hostname at which admin web service resources are exposed.
hostname: localhost

# The port at which the admin web service resources are exposed.
port: 8001

# Whether or not requests to the web service are secured through SSL.
use_https: no

# Whether or not to show tracebacks in an HTTP response for a request
# raised an exception.
show_tracebacks: yes

# The API version number for the current (highest) API.
api_version: 3.1

# The administrative username.
admin_user: restadmin

# The administrative password.
admin_pass: xxxxxxxxx

# The class defining the interface to the incoming mail transport
incoming: mailman.mta.exim4.LMTP
#incoming: mailman.mta.postfix.LMTP

# The callable implementing delivery to the outgoing mail transport
# This must accept three arguments, the mailing list, the message, and
# message metadata dictionary.
outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver

# How to connect to the outgoing MTA.  If smtp_user and smtp_pass is
# then Mailman will attempt to log into the MTA when making a new
smtp_host: localhost
smtp_port: 25

# Where the LMTP server listens for connections.  Use instead
# localhost for Postfix integration, because Postfix only consults DNS
# (e.g. not /etc/hosts).
lmtp_port: 8024

# Where can we find the mail server specific configuration file?  The
path can
# be either a file system path or a Python import path.  If the value
# with python: then it is a Python import path, otherwise it is a file
# path.  File system paths must be absolute since no guarantees are
made about
# the current working directory.  Python paths should not include the
# .cfg, which the file must end with.
configuration: python:mailman.config.exim4
#configuration: python:mailman.config.postfix

class: mailman_hyperkitty.Archiver
enable: yes
configuration: /etc/mailman3/hyperkitty.cfg

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