On 2018-04-19, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Holger Levsen:
>> control: retitle -1 "reprotest: robust mode to make it more usuable in CI 
>> pipelines"

> I'm confused, are people not reading what I'm writing in this thread?
> There is already a "robust mode", it's called "switch off variations
> by passing the documented command-line flags until you find a
> combination that suits you".
> It's impossible to predict in advance what will be "robust" on any
> given day due to old bugs lying around dormant from legacy
> software. Part of R-B is to disturb them and fix them.

I also don't see the point in hiding problems by default.  Hidden
problems rarely get fixed.

Reprotest should default to enabling all variations it knows about, and
require selectively and explicitly turning off things when needed.

There might be the case to make a "--debian-policy" flag, since the
requirements there are much laxer than what reprotest tests by
default. But that would basically just probably be a shorthand for
disabling variations x,y,z and so on, and instead could just document
what those options are. I'm not sure that would be maintainable or
implementable in the long-term.

live well,

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