Package: coreutils
Version: 8.23-4
Debian Release: jessie/stable

The behavior when running "md5sum -c all.md5" with the "all.md5" file
containing the following as example:

d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  -

results in md5sum hanging as it is waiting for stdin inside the code which
shouldn't be since a script writer using "md5sum -c" is expecting a check &
return of control.

I stumbled on that behavior unexpectedly today, and found this existing bug
and I am adding my feedback. 

To give some context, the above file was generated inadvertently by a failed
"find" command which fed a null into md5sum:

(the stdin was null)            find ./path -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum >
                            ^ find command failed, passing null to md5sum,
and thus the resulting file above

One might argue that the output of md5sum should remain as is including the
"-", however the "md5sum -c" command regardless shouldn't hang when
processing such a file. 

Also, this behavior has a security implication as it could be weaponized as
a denial of service my a malicious user crafting such a file in
anticipiation of "md5sum -c" reading it.

For that reason I am proposing the following minimally-intrusive solution to
correct this behavior:

  - Change the behavior of "md5sum -c" to ignore "-" file names in order not
to hang
The advantage with that solution would be: 

  - Less control logic will be required by script writers to ensure md5sum
doesn't hang when calling "md5sum -c"
  - Removes the denial of service possibility by a malicious user crafting
such a file in anticipiation of "md5sum -c" reading it

System information: 
3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2+deb8u2 (2017-06-26) x86_64 GNU/Linux

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