Package: linux-image-3.16.0-6-amd64
Version: 3.16.56-1

After updating to linux-image-3.16.0-6-amd64 libvirt guests cannot start anymore.

Interesting fact is that first guest CAN be started normally, but any other will give error:

*root@vmhost:~# virsh start monitor3**
**error: Failed to start domain monitor3**
**error: Cannot get interface MAC on 'vnet%d': No such device*

Environment is using aggregated + VLAN configuration:

*root@vmhost:~# brctl show**
**bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces**
**br105        8000.ac1f6b1227f8    no        bond0.105**
**br3335        8000.ac1f6b1227f8    no        bond0.3335**
**                            vnet0**
**br3338        8000.ac1f6b1227f8    no        bond0.3338**
**br502        8000.ac1f6b1227f8    no        bond0.502**
**br999        8000.ac1f6b1227fb    no        eth3**

Workaround is to boot previous kernel linux-image-3.16.0-5-amd64 where this behavior doesn't happen. Downgrading libvirt packages doesn't help.

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