On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 01:33:39PM +0200, David Regajo wrote:
> Package: e2fsprogs
> Version: 1.43.4-2
> With the system installed with spanish settings, mkfs.ext4 asks for (y,N),
> but when answered "y" does nothing. I have to reply "s" to proceed.
> See below 3 tries, the two first are "y" and "yes", but does nothing, the
> third one I answered "s" and proceeded.

e2fsprogs 1.43.4 had an out-of-date translation file, so it did not
have at translation for the Proceed question.  This has been fixed in
the latest version of e2fsprogs:

#: misc/util.c:108
msgid "Proceed anyway? (y,N) "
msgstr "¿Continuar de todas formas? (s,N) "t

A version of e2fsprogs with this (and many other bugs) fixed can be
found in stretch backports.

                                                - Ted

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