Chris Lamb <> writes:

> Hi Keith,
>> > +    source_date_epoch = getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH");
>> Could this work as a build-time value in the library instead of a
>> run-time environment variable?
> Unfortunately not. Imagine the situation where we are installing
> font packages in a chroot that will eventually end up as, for
> example, an .ISO: in this case, we are running fc-cache at runtime
> (in Debian's case, via the dpkg trigger).

Thanks for the explanation.

I think it would be useful for me to understand when and where the cache
files end up being part of a build product and then figuring out what
the right solution is in each case, rather than an environment variable
kludge of this nature.

For instance, in the case described above, the ISO is read-only in use,
and so the cache file contents *cannot* be out of date, and should
always be used with no need to even check the timestamps on
directories. I can imagine a special flag to fc-cache that would
mark the cache files for this use. I feel that this would solve the
problem in a better way.


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