On 2018-05-12 21:15 +0200, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:

> On 12/05/18 21:07, Sven Joachim wrote:
>> My goal with that "! .package" part was to prevent the ncurses source
>> package from being listed as "partial" which would have happened
>> otherwise, because the binary packages libncursesw5 and libncurses5
>> still depend on libtinfo5.  And this has apparently even worked.
> Ah, you are right. I was thinking of .source, which might have been easier 
> here
> with & ! .source ~ /^ncurses$/. I don't use .source or .package much as I 
> don't
> mind partial results (usually fixed by a decruft, though not in this case), 
> so I
> had forgotten that we had both .source and .package, and assumed that .package
> matched sources (which obviously makes little sense). So thanks for 
> instructing
> me about that!

Can you please update the transition tracker, replacing the is_bad regex
with my last suggestion, i.e. the following?

is_bad = .depends ~ 
 & ! .package ~ /\b(libncursesw5|libncurses5)\b/; 

> PS: I will continue with the binNMUs soon, once the libicu ones are done.

Thanks!  In related news, I have requested a binNMU for bash (#898500),
since it was missing on the transition tracker.  I didn't want to fight
with ben to add pre-depends matches to the regexes.


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