On 11/05/2018 19:12, Francesco Poli wrote:
>> Since a few days, the cron.daily job of apt-listbugs fails with the 
>> following message:
>> /etc/cron.daily/apt-listbugs:
>> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:701:in `block (4 levels) in 
>> display_bugs': incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 
>> (Encoding::CompatibilityError)
> Hello Stéphane!
> Thanks for your bug report.

It turns out the bug disappeared by itself...

> Could you please paste the content of file
> /etc/apt/preferences.d/apt-listbugs ?

Currently, it is:

> Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs at 2018-04-28 06:34:53 +0200
> Explanation:   #897059: libgphoto2-6: libgphoto2 causes corrupted image file 
> transfers
> Package: libgphoto2-6
> Pin: version 2.5.16-2
> Pin-Priority: 30000
> Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs at 2018-04-29 06:28:50 +0200
> Explanation:   #896596: poppler-glib always returns 0 length for 
> PopplerInputStream
> Package: libpoppler-glib8
> Pin: version 0.62.0-2
> Pin-Priority: 30000

> It seems to me that the issue you are experiencing is the same
> as #749193, but I would like to check that this is actually the case.
> Please let me know.

It looks like it.



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