C. Masloch <pus...@38.de> wrote:
> A simple test file fails to properly parse a \cfg command as the first
> non-empty line of a file, if the first line is empty.

Wow, that bug must have been there a _very_ long time without anyone
noticing it. Well spotted! I've pushed commit 140d8f13a upstream which
fixes it.


import hashlib; print((lambda p,q,g,y,r,s,m: (lambda w:(pow(g,int(hashlib.sha1(
and m)(0xb80b5dacabab6145,0xf70027d345023,0x7643bc4018957897,0x11c2e5d9951130c9
,0xa54d9cbe4e8ab,0x746c50eaa1910,      "Simon Tatham <ana...@pobox.com>"     ))

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