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On 2018-02-24 02:22:26, Andoru wrote:
> Package: vlc
> Version: 3.0.0-1
> Severity: normal
> Ever since the beta versions of VLC appeared in Sid, I've been having this
> issue where after playing a video, VLC's main window keeps getting pushed
> behind tint2 (I have it set to show up at the top of the screen) and gets
> slightly off-screen. Here's a screenshot to demonstrate what I
> mean: (I apologise if linking to imgur
> for
> screenshots is frown upon here)
> This makes it impossible for me to access VLC's menu, and also makes me
> unable to move the window, except if I press Alt+Space and choose "Move"
> from the drop-down menu.

This sounds more like an Qt / tint2 interaction issue. Do you have similar
issues with outher Qt based applications?

> Also, when I play a video, no matter what size it has, VLC always plays it
> fullscreen, even when having that option disabled under Video in the
> settings.

I remeber fixes for fullscreen handing in 3.0.1/2. Is the situtation now better?

Sebastian Ramacher

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