Hello Vitezslav Crhonek,

Gürkan Myczko sent the below forwarded message to fedora devel list
in May 2017, but it seems there was no followup so I'm trying
sending it directly to you as you seem to be the one who has
been actively committing to the kbd package in fedora.

In summary, some people would like to se "open" command be used
for a different purpose than the current decades old compatibility
link. Personally I think if/when the link is removed we should make
sure it's not reused for anything for multiple releases/years to avoid
confusion about it pointing to different things in different
things in different distros.

What do you think? Is it doable to drop it in Fedora?

I'd be willing to drop it in Debian which should trickle down to
all derived .deb based distros. Hopefully if you change Fedora
the rest of the .rpm world will follow suite. This should make
the change pretty universal I think and avoid deviating between
different distros.

Andreas Henriksson

----- Forwarded message from Gürkan Myczko <gur...@phys.ethz.ch> -----

Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 14:00:52 +0200
From: Gürkan Myczko <gur...@phys.ethz.ch>
To: de...@lists.fedoraproject.org
Cc: 732...@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Please remove the link from open to openvt
User-Agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2.5


First, I have no relation to Fedora, but I write here because of this bug in


Would you guys at Fedora feel like it's time to get rid of the symlink
/bin/open to make space for
xdg-open (for fdo fans) or gopen/openapp (for macOS, GNUstep fans).

The name change was like 16 years ago. And I wasn't able to find anything
still using /bin/open.


----- End forwarded message -----

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